"Have the guts to make a commitment, to prepare like no other, to accept the consequences involved, and to never rest on your laurels." - Lance Armstrong

Without discipline, the mind and body grow weak. Plan well. Train well. Live well. Love well.
Make every moment count.

"And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, ADVENTURE." -A.Dumbledore

Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 3 - 2156

Racing against the clock.  Need to make this flow.  Good day meeting all objectives.  For this week it's daily scriptures, reading, writing, guitar and bed by 10:30pm.  That's the kicker.  Reinforced through my readings.  Other things reinforced through today's readings:

> Schedule time for creative thinking, Cal Newport: "In a world filled with distraction, attention is our competitive advantage. Start with small blocks of focused time (1 hour) and then gradually work yourself up to longer durations (add 15 min to each session every 2 weeks)."  www.Calnewport.com/blog

> Banish multitask from our repertoire, Christian Jarrett: "Creative minds are highly susceptible to distraction, and our newfound connectivity poses a powerful temptation for all of us to drift off focus...The very act of resisting temptations eats up concentration and leaves you mentally depleted....Strive to remove distractions entirely from your field of attention or you'll end up using half your mental energy just keeping yourself from breaking your own rules."

>Understand our compulsions, Dan Ariely: "The basic combination of these three things: (1) that the world around us tries to tempt us; (2) that we listen to the world around us; and (3) that we don't deal very with temptation...is a recipe for disaster." Create progression factors that show how much progress you're making to keep from getting distracted by random reinforcement activities like email that pull our attention from highest value activities. www.danariely.com

Three minutes over.  Thirty minutes from lights out.  Signing off to stay on track.

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