"Have the guts to make a commitment, to prepare like no other, to accept the consequences involved, and to never rest on your laurels." - Lance Armstrong

Without discipline, the mind and body grow weak. Plan well. Train well. Live well. Love well.
Make every moment count.

"And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, ADVENTURE." -A.Dumbledore

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mark, Jen, and Jonah 20

Well I think this is my 20th post in no mans land...but I'm doing it anyway. Today was a BIG day. We all did Fran (95 lbs thrusters and pull ups, 3 rounds 21-15-9). I impressed myself :) and Jonah and Jenny impressed me. Officially starting the WODs today is the start of something beautiful. I did Fran with 59 lb on the thrusters and just regular old pull ups in 15:04. I could've done it quite a bit faster but since this was my first time I was really concentrating on my form...not concerning myself with time and feeling it out as I went cause I didn't want to over do it. I was thinking during and afterwards that I could've picked up the pace considerably. I'm really stoked. Jonah at 9 years old almost completed Fran in 23:18 using 11 lbs on the thrusters. He did it all except for the last 6 pull ups. I always tell him it is better to under do it than over do it. I told him how horrible it is to be so sore you can't straighten your arms and I think he pulled the plug at the right time. He is a hardcore kid. Jenny can't do pull ups yet so she did 45 degree rope climbs instead. She did Fran in about 8:00 with 19 lb thrusters. She counted each pull as a pull up. We had a great time and are all feeling really good about the workout. Oh ya we all did our 15 min. of stretching before and after with 3 rounds of standard workout 10 reps each for warm up. Great workout!

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