"Have the guts to make a commitment, to prepare like no other, to accept the consequences involved, and to never rest on your laurels." - Lance Armstrong

Without discipline, the mind and body grow weak. Plan well. Train well. Live well. Love well.
Make every moment count.

"And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, ADVENTURE." -A.Dumbledore

Friday, June 20, 2008


Sunday off.
Monday woke up at 0545 (was supposed to wake up at 0500 but mistakenly set the alarm for PM - I hate non military time) stretched and biked to the skatepark with Jonah. We skated the park for awhile and then biked back home...then I went work. I was totally sweaty but didn't care I just changed my clothes and underwear and called it good. I only actually meet with people every so often and it wasn't in the plans that day so yeah. After lunch I drove to Sacramento for work for the following day. My cool boss oked my family coming with me and so we all drove to Sacramento around noon. That evening we met with Jen's family and kayaked and swam at Folsom Lake. It was cool and a decent workout but Folsom Lake is a dookee lake compared to our Whiskeytown Lake.
Tuesday off.
Wednesday combined 3 days of WOD's into 1. Did max crossfit warmup except only did 30 dips. Did overhead squats, front squats, back squats, sit ups, jumprope (very little - my stomach kept cramping up after like 8 jumps - I did eat a big old burrito like and hour beforehand but felt fine doing everything else? Must've been in a part of my digestive tract that wasn't cool with the jumping?), burpees and shoulder presses. I just did enough of everything to get a good workout.
Thursday biked home from work 2.9 miles mostly uphill. It was at least 50% easier that the last time and it was fun.
Friday biked to work. Did max crossfit warmup except only did 30 dips. Did the WOD from yesterday sort of. I did the lifts but just pyramided up and am still getting used to my new olympic weights. 125#deadlifts, 95# shoulder presses, 75# squats. I need to get a squat rack down the road. I could've done more on the deadlifts but am still getting used to them and am not a fan of overdoing it. I was too tired to get heavier weight off the ground onto my back for squats. Was a really good workout though.
I'm really digging learning and doing the lifts with the olympic weights.
JEFF- Public Domain was the last video I was into before I quit skating. I remember liking it a lot - Ray Barbee was cool.

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