"Have the guts to make a commitment, to prepare like no other, to accept the consequences involved, and to never rest on your laurels." - Lance Armstrong

Without discipline, the mind and body grow weak. Plan well. Train well. Live well. Love well.
Make every moment count.

"And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, ADVENTURE." -A.Dumbledore

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mark 54 - BOB response & 3 more scaled WODs

BOB- Been too busy to post/respond to your question. Tabata Something Else was cool...but I scaled it down so I'm not really up to par to comment. Regarding your home workouts - I Crossfit at home. I got a 300# Olympic weight set at Sports Authority on sale for only 150 bucks which happens pretty often - get their plates that have the handles built into the plate... I use them for kettlebell swings and farmers carry plus they are way easier to move around. I got rings for about $30 via a place recommended by Crossfit's website, I made a pullup bar out of pipe and rope from the hardware store, and bought some thick mats on sale from Sports Authority too.

I've been combining multiple WODs and scaling them all because they were too hard on me in full doses and I needed more recovery days in between as well. Granted I've been swimming too on top of it all, which takes away time, energy, and recovery time also. It's been working out great doing things this way, but I'm missing the challenge of trying to complete the WODs as prescribed. I should be caught up on the WODs finally by the end of this week (I'll still be a day behind but that's where I want to be) and then I'll start trying to do them as prescribed again. It's easy to get super pumped to complete them as prescribed and over do it/get burnt out midweek...so we'll see. I took Sun and Mon off. Tues did 3 scaled WODs: Crossfit warmup of course, Kettlebell swings 25#,35#, 35# (10-15 reps each), 50 pullups, 50 pushups, 50 situps, 50 squats, Shoulder presses 85# 10 reps, Push presses 95# 8 reps, Push jerks 95# 9 reps. Yesterday (Wed) I skateboarded for an hour or more? Street skated a long way to the skatepark and then rode the park. I fell pretty hard once (it's been over 2 months) in the little bowl, doing a frontside rock and roll, which is only about 2.5 feet deep but I fell a good 2 feet hard onto the concrete. Luckily it just hurt for about a minute...what doesn't break you makes you stronger...that really is true - I saw a show about it in on Discovery Channel? a long time ago - seriously.

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