"Have the guts to make a commitment, to prepare like no other, to accept the consequences involved, and to never rest on your laurels." - Lance Armstrong

Without discipline, the mind and body grow weak. Plan well. Train well. Live well. Love well.
Make every moment count.

"And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, ADVENTURE." -A.Dumbledore

Monday, July 28, 2008

7/28 WOD - Crossfit Total

My second time doing the CFT: Back squat-245, shoulder press - 130, deadlift - 295 = 670lbs.
This is 5 lbs less than my last CFT, but I think my form was better this time on the squat and deadlift. I think my squat and shoulder press could be better if I had access to a squat rack. I have to pick the weight up from the floor for the shoulder press, and I have to remove the bar from the incline bench for the squat (awkward). But I think it wont matter as long as I continue to do the movements the same way each time.
Be back tomorrow!

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