"Have the guts to make a commitment, to prepare like no other, to accept the consequences involved, and to never rest on your laurels." - Lance Armstrong

Without discipline, the mind and body grow weak. Plan well. Train well. Live well. Love well.
Make every moment count.

"And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, ADVENTURE." -A.Dumbledore

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday Training

About hand stand push ups: I looked up the crossfit Sunday workout, all inspired to join the ranks of faithful bloggers, and just about wigged.  How?  I figured okay, here's where I embrace where I am and just start with a basic handstand.  It's been awhile, but not as long as some...I began trying to do handstands back in Indiana when the girls were in gymnastics.  They had a training log called the 500 club, where they did 10 reps or 10 second holds for each of 5 exercises (handstand, L holds, situps, pushups, splits) consistently until they reached 500 for a reward. So I know I can handstand. Yesterday I tried to push up and failed. BUT, I did hold a handstand for 10 seconds, and did 8 repetitions. Today I did 10 repetitions of holding the handstand for 10 seconds...I felt my chest, arms, and back beautifully from Monday, but after my 10th handstand and immediate 5 jump up pull ups, I paused. One day at a time, small improvements...beginner's mind at the mat...the great thing is that I can IMAGINE myself doing not only a handstand pushup, but with beautiful, graceful form. I cannot imagine doing these handstands without the grace of relaxed shoulders, neck and face, all techniques gleaned from yoga.  My handstands are firm, balanced, relaxed...in a word, FUN! I still kick up to a wall, but I envision a time where the wall is not a necessity. Cheers to tomorrow's workout!

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